Hazrat Allameh Hassanzadeh Amoli

Thoughts and ideas of the great Iranian professor, the leading one in philosophy and all of the other basic sciences

Hazrat Allameh Hassanzadeh Amoli

Thoughts and ideas of the great Iranian professor, the leading one in philosophy and all of the other basic sciences

Hazrat Allameh Hassanzadeh Amoli

In the name of Allah

As an attempt, here we introduce thoughts, ideas, books, and writings of the great Iranian professor, Hazrat Allameh Hassan Hassanzadeh Amoli, known as Zolfonoon dennoting the one who is knowladgeable in all

آخرین مطالب
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۴ مطلب با موضوع «Sayings of Hazrat Ayatollah Samadi Amoli» ثبت شده است

?Do you still commit sins

Spiritual Elevation

🔥 Do you still commit sins?🔥


Some day when we were visiting Allamah Hassanzadeh, a young man entered requesting:

Sir, please pray for me so that I don't  commit sins anymore.🙏

Allamah replied: why are you speaking as such? How old are u?

 The young man  answered: 30

Allamah: you are 30 being still trapped in sins? Why haven't you promoted yourself to the higher levels of spirituality yet? 


⁉️ why are we trapped in material life?  

⛔️ Why don't we promote ourselves from lower levers of materiality to higher levels of spirituality?


✳️ All Universe serves human being in every single moment. How long can we live in this world though?


#Samadi Amoli

  • serajemonir

استاد صمدی

⭐️If human being wants to observe the reality of Quran verses; there are many spiritual practices. Such practices are specially to help Nafs (Nature/ Soul) to get pure and strong so that Quran reveals itself to Nafs. As an example it can be said that our material life style is similar. The matetial world does not show itself to a blind man.⭐️


#Description of treatise of Ratgh and Fatgh

#Samadi Amoli

  • serajemonir

Two groups are insatiable

استاد صمدی ۲

⭐️Two groups are insatiable⭐️


Mr. Ghomshei prayed: Oh my Lord! I don't care for Heaven as well as Judgment Day. I' m just willing to visit AmirAlmomenin to ask him "my lord! We haven't understood Nahj al-Balaghah. Please describe it for us."


💥It is mentioned on a Hadith:

Two poeple are insatiable: one willing to acquir more knowladge and one willing to gain more world.


💥 To groups eat greedly, yet never get full: one owning property but attempts to acquir more; the other having knowledge yet persue more studies.


Source: Description of Nafs( soul, ego, nature)awareness

Samadi Amoli

  • serajemonir

Allah Obeyance

oh Allah! our lord, provide us with being successful in your obeyance.

If you come down with obeying Allah, you have to know Allah provides you with his obeyance.

Samadi Amoli
(One of Allamah Hassanzadeh's prominent students)
  • serajemonir