Hazrat Allameh Hassanzadeh Amoli

Thoughts and ideas of the great Iranian professor, the leading one in philosophy and all of the other basic sciences

Hazrat Allameh Hassanzadeh Amoli

Thoughts and ideas of the great Iranian professor, the leading one in philosophy and all of the other basic sciences

Hazrat Allameh Hassanzadeh Amoli

In the name of Allah

As an attempt, here we introduce thoughts, ideas, books, and writings of the great Iranian professor, Hazrat Allameh Hassan Hassanzadeh Amoli, known as Zolfonoon dennoting the one who is knowladgeable in all

آخرین مطالب
پربیننده ترین مطالب

۱۲ مطلب با موضوع «Sayings of Hazrat Allameh» ثبت شده است

Notes on Nafs Awareness

No creaure in the universe privilages HUMAN, therefore; no way to Allah in the universe is better than human Nafs (nature/ soul) to him.

Rational soul is the closest way to metaphysics.

Why don't you get directly connected to Allah? While you seek for Allah in the universe.

.All universe is concised in a reality called human germ.

Incorporeal things as well as angels are relatively Allah demonestration; yet not the complete divine demonstration.

#Description of Nafs Awareness

# Allama Hasanzadeh

  • serajemonir

Practical Mysticism


 Our master, Sheikh Asadolah Yazdi, didn't allow us to merely study theoretical mysticism yet he gave us practical guidelines to follow so that we got closer to Allah.

For instance, he didn't allow us to participate in his classes without making ablation; he told us: if you don't have wudu, please don't come in.


#Description of Fosus-al-Hekam 

of Gheisari, Vol. 1

#Allama Hasanzadeh Amoli

  • serajemonir

Stakes of Earth

🌟Few people in this Mohammadian age are found like Sheikh al-akbar (the greatest master) who are the stakes of Earth.

⚡️And the mountains as stake⚡️

🌟 these stakes  are few individuals among people being the mountains of society so that people don't shake.

🌟 they are the shelter of people.

#Allamah Hassanzadeh

  • serajemonir

An instruction

🌻 إِنَّ هَذَا الْقُرْآنَ یَهْدِی لِلَّتِی هِیَ أَقْوَمُ  🌻

Indeed, this Qur'an guides to that which is most suitable and gives good tidings to the believers.

The more this instruction is applied in the very nature of you, in your society, in your affairs

you will be more


#Allama Hassanzadeh

  • serajemonir

Acquire Knowledge

Seek for knowladge and more knowladge to acquire in your life otherwise regret on past life bothers you

#Allama Hasanzadeh

  • serajemonir

If You Forget God

🚩Do not forget God since if you forget God; you will be punished severely and as a result you will forget yourself.

🚩 The man who forgets himself talks, thinks, and eats mindlessly.

# Semon

# Allama Hasanzadeh Amoli

  • serajemonir

* The Holy Quran*

📘 I have found no book better than Quran to prove the existance of Imam.

📘 Quran itself explains Earth is never empy from Hujjat(Imam) with a material body.


Source: One thousand and one tips
Allamah Hassanzadeh Amoli

  • sayeh

"Wali" is one of Allah's names.
" Prophet" and " Messanger" are not Allah's names. Nowhere Allah is called "Prophet" and "Messanger" yet Allah is called "Wali". Therefore, one of the rules dominating this name is not to be declined.
Accordingly, as prophacy and messaging are not derived from Allah's names; will stop one day or another yet Vela'at being derived from the name of "Wali" is never disconnected dennoting existance is never empty from Wali of Allah.


** the description of the whole human being in Nahj al-Balaghah, 

Allameh Hasanzadeh Amoli,

By Ayatollah Samadi Amoli (One of the best prominent student of Hazrat Allameh)


💥The definitions of Prophet, Messanger, and Wali:

Prophet (Nabi): a prophet is someone who is commissioned to communicate Divine Will to people.

Messanger (Rasul): messanger is someone who not only is commissioned to communicate Divine Will to people but also owns a book such as Moses who owned Turah

Wali: Wali is a reality that spreads mercy on all creatures in such a way that every single creaure is dominated by it. In fact, Wali means "close" yet "close"ness is in such a way that the creature can't be apart from him. Accordingly, Wali is in the nature of every single creature. In the first place Allah is wali.
Necessarily, universe is never empty from Wali of Allah to receive all Mercy from Allah in order to spread it among creatures.
Imams of shias are example of Awaliya Allah while Imam Al Mahdi (peace upon him) is the last of all.


Source: Description of the whole human being in Nahj al-Balaghah

  • sayeh

* Importance of Thinking*

Listen carefuly
Have your own opinions
Have a course of study
Attempt to be a better human being
Consequently you reach to the certainity level.


Hazrat Allameh Hasanzadeh Amoli

  • sayeh

*The role of Philosophers*

People like Plato, Aristotle, and Pythagoras are definitely necessary to exist and take the Wisdom (Hekmat) from prophets, because public are not able to learn Quran as well as Wisdom (Hekmat).


Hazrat Allameh Hasanzadeh Amoli

  • sayeh